Québec Startups

La capitale abrite de plus en plus d'entreprises en technologies et c'est tant mieux!

Meet 10 designer View everyone

ID 115584

Tommy Rochette

Creative Technologist at @bkom, working on eccentric ideas for Fortune 500 company like, Disney, Bombardier, Hasbro and Nickelodeon. Design lover, mobile addict.

ID 104117

Samuel Chenard

UX Designer @yourextralife . Bored accountant turned designer. Business background at PwC. Singapore Management University, Université Laval grad student. Started my first business when I was 16.

ID 186395

Moryl Prudencio

Photography - Engineering - Jazz

ID 42920

Niall Brown

Co-Founder of @empire-avenue Inc. VP of Product Development handling day-to-day feature development and managing development team and deliverables.

ID 394538


Human, Self-taught, self-starter, Entrepreneur, Designer, Strategist

ID 511961

Patrice Vachon

Visual identity designer, 10+ years xp in graphic design, Wide range of skills, web design, UI design, Videogame design, QA

ID 449990

Vincent Gosselin

Product & User Interface Designer

ID 95770

Émilien Edmond

Interactive designer worked at Tink, propage (Québec, Canada). I look for a web project around music. More details soon

ID 388246

David Drouin

On the lookout for opportunities in Montreal.

ID 815343

David Gariepy

Founded an industrial robotic and automation company. I also have good knowledge in energy recuperation and home automation.

//}) /* // var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //console.log('y = '+ y); if (jQuery(this).scrollTop() > 1200 ) { $('#promoBand').fadeIn(); } else { $('#promoBand').fadeOut(); } */ //do something special }, 11000);