Québec Startups

La capitale abrite de plus en plus d'entreprises en technologies et c'est tant mieux!

Meet 10 designer View everyone

ID 42920

Niall Brown

Co-Founder of @empire-avenue Inc. VP of Product Development handling day-to-day feature development and managing development team and deliverables.

ID 104117

Samuel Chenard

UX Designer @yourextralife . Bored accountant turned designer. Business background at PwC. Singapore Management University, Université Laval grad student. Started my first business when I was 16.

ID 449990

Vincent Gosselin

Product & User Interface Designer

ID 186395

Moryl Prudencio

Photography - Engineering - Jazz

ID 115584

Tommy Rochette

Creative Technologist at @bkom, working on eccentric ideas for Fortune 500 company like, Disney, Bombardier, Hasbro and Nickelodeon. Design lover, mobile addict.

ID 394538


Human, Self-taught, self-starter, Entrepreneur, Designer, Strategist

ID 511961

Patrice Vachon

Visual identity designer, 10+ years xp in graphic design, Wide range of skills, web design, UI design, Videogame design, QA

ID 388246

David Drouin

On the lookout for opportunities in Montreal.

ID 815343

David Gariepy

Founded an industrial robotic and automation company. I also have good knowledge in energy recuperation and home automation.

ID 95770

Émilien Edmond

Interactive designer worked at Tink, propage (Québec, Canada). I look for a web project around music. More details soon

//}) /* // var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //console.log('y = '+ y); if (jQuery(this).scrollTop() > 1200 ) { $('#promoBand').fadeIn(); } else { $('#promoBand').fadeOut(); } */ //do something special }, 11000);