Québec Startups

La capitale abrite de plus en plus d'entreprises en technologies et c'est tant mieux!

Meet 4 Founder View everyone

ID 614579

Mark Val

GM Europe PlayFab. Opened offices for @unity & @ubisoft. Ran multimillion user online projects. Entrepreneur, award-winning developer with 15 years of experience.

ID 149246

Guillaume Demers


Founder of 4 successful companies, I explore fundraising and many of the other functions of managing a venture capital partnership.

ID 858373

WooVin Han

Founder of Avoda, studying Management in McGill University, Majoring in Marketing and concentrating in Accounting. Won the Thinkathon for Entrepreneurs.

ID 458587

Sebastien Perreault


CEO and Founder @ekoom. Senior Developer. Serial entrepreneur. Strong business background. http://ekoom.com I've been building startups for 18 years

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