Québec Startups

La capitale abrite de plus en plus d'entreprises en technologies et c'est tant mieux!

Meet 10 sales View everyone

ID 104117

Samuel Chenard

UX Designer @yourextralife . Bored accountant turned designer. Business background at PwC. Singapore Management University, Université Laval grad student. Started my first business when I was 16.

ID 596416

Paul Pivet

MBA - 3 mouths Business developer and strategic thinker @samboat

ID 823565

Guy Couture

Business developer with 30 years experience. Business consultant

ID 739126

Nathan Carroll

7 years of globally focused, extensive, successful, wide-ranging experience in the practical development of, and leadership in, complex IT systems management

ID 620129

Andre Mavrovic

Result-oriented with over 25 years of experience in the following: Business Management, Sales network strategies, International Trade and commercial agreements.

ID 928441

Ankita Mukherjee

Founder/CEO - Marble Slab Creamery Ottawa. Sold it 2014. Assistant Director - Lasik MD; Top Sales Rep for LasikMD. Degree in Pyschology.

ID 58531

Antoine Meunier

Team USA Athlete & co-founder of Medalist

ID 444669

Yves Ouellet

Founder Cuves Thermales inc.

ID 537443

Michel Hervieux

Let<s the choise i have to be better in this world

ID 329033

Gabrielle Clément

IT project manager, www.clement.ca, Enrolled for IMBA at FIU, Successfully completed CFA Level I on first attempt

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