Québec Startups

La capitale abrite de plus en plus d'entreprises en technologies et c'est tant mieux!

Meet 10 sales View everyone

ID 444669

Yves Ouellet

Founder Cuves Thermales inc.

ID 537443

Michel Hervieux

Let<s the choise i have to be better in this world

ID 739126

Nathan Carroll

7 years of globally focused, extensive, successful, wide-ranging experience in the practical development of, and leadership in, complex IT systems management

ID 58531

Antoine Meunier

Team USA Athlete & co-founder of Medalist

ID 823565

Guy Couture

Business developer with 30 years experience. Business consultant

ID 329033

Gabrielle Clément

IT project manager, www.clement.ca, Enrolled for IMBA at FIU, Successfully completed CFA Level I on first attempt

ID 104117

Samuel Chenard

UX Designer @yourextralife . Bored accountant turned designer. Business background at PwC. Singapore Management University, Université Laval grad student. Started my first business when I was 16.

ID 596416

Paul Pivet

MBA - 3 mouths Business developer and strategic thinker @samboat

ID 620129

Andre Mavrovic

Result-oriented with over 25 years of experience in the following: Business Management, Sales network strategies, International Trade and commercial agreements.

ID 928441

Ankita Mukherjee

Founder/CEO - Marble Slab Creamery Ottawa. Sold it 2014. Assistant Director - Lasik MD; Top Sales Rep for LasikMD. Degree in Pyschology.

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